I promise, you’ll always know where I stand.

I ran for the legislature to fight for Buncombe County—and all of us who live in the mountains—and protect what matters most to working families. To read about where I stand on an issue, click on a platform plank.

Every child in North Carolina deserves the best possible education we can give them.

North Carolina used to be known across the South as a leader in public education. We can be again. We must do better preparing our young people to be healthy, caring, and productive members of our community. I’m committed to working to ensure that we recruit the best and brightest to lead our classrooms, but also that our top teachers stay. School staff – maintenance, cafeteria, bus drivers, librarians, counselors, and administrators – must also receive the support they need to make sure our children succeed. Please tell me your thoughts about how we can make our schools better for our children and the teachers and staff that serve them.

North Carolinians deserve politicians at home and in Raleigh who are in government for the right reasons.

It’s time for a serious conversation about how our government serves the people of North Carolina. We’ve faced gerrymandered maps, attempts at voter suppression, and politicians who only care about getting reelected. District 115 needs a representative who is in it for the right reasons, and who is ready to work hard and get things done. Government must serve all residents equally. Every vote must count. All of us must have equal access to education, healthcare, and good jobs.

It’s time for politicians in Raleigh to expand access to quality, affordable healthcare for our families.

Historically, North Carolina was one of only twelve states to fail to expand Medicaid, and even after expansion, North Carolina families have continued to struggle with high costs for pharmaceuticals, corporate greed that affects hospital services, and lack of access to the quality broadband needed for telehealth. In addition, Republicans in Raleigh have been more concerned with banning reproductive healthcare access than ensuring that expecting mothers are able to access quality maternal healthcare. No matter your party affiliation, you deserve the resources and opportunities to keep you and your family mentally and physically healthy.

We need to protect our natural environments for years to come, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Our mountains are one of the most beautiful places in the world, and we can’t afford to take them for granted. Flash floods like the one in Cruso that killed six in 2021 will be increasingly common in Western North Carolina. We must ensure that our communities and the infrastructure that serves them are protected as best as possible from lethal ravages of climate change.

I’m dedicated to seeing that North Carolina has both funds, programs, and staff to protect roads and bridges, improve stormwater management, and to assist communities in the event of a catastrophe. We also have an incredible opportunity as clean energy and electric vehicles increase their market share to do right by our environment while bringing jobs to our community.

We won’t make a lick of progress on any of the other issues while neighbors are struggling just to get by or to live safe lives.

Inequality is at the root of every other issue we care about. Vast differences in the quality of education across school districts. Unequal access to the ballot and polling places. Healthcare being systematically stripped away from rural areas. Disparate impacts of pollution on our most vulnerable residents. We cannot address any of these issues without addressing the unequal way in which they impact our communities.

We must work to ensure that all our neighbors—regardless of race, gender, age, or socioeconomic condition—have equal access to high quality healthcare, education, jobs, and protection from climate change. Only when we all stand together will we be able to lift each other up.